Uplifting India’s poor both Urban & Rural
A project that aims at transforming poor village communities by assisting, training & empowering the poor in India to rise up economically, socially and culturally.AREA OF FOCUS
VALUE BASED SOCIAL & CULTURAL TRAINING PROGRAMS- Bringing in about 25 people from the community at a time to be trained in the city for a period of 1 to 2 months (They would need to be paid a stipend to live in the city)
- Bringing community leaders to be trained so they can oversee the village communities when they return back after completion of the training
- Financial Assistance where required.
- Helping women and children (Upliftment)
- Adult literacy programs
- Children’s education and care
- Employment assistance, Income Generation, and Small Business Development
- Other future programs that will ensure growth and development of the poor served through Jeevan Sahara
Self Reliance & Income Generation:
Vast Migration from rural UP to large cities in search of jobs: Men leave the villages to find jobs in places like Mumbai Delhi etc. leaving their families to behind. This incomplete family structure leaves women and children vulnerable and without any headship in the homes.
We have therefore tried to see how best we can help people fend for themselves locally without having to leave their villages. Some of the efforts underway are as follows:
Training in Beauticians course in Ramnagar. Ranju Kumar who is also a volunteer with Jeevan Sahara has completed her training as a beautician and working towards gaining experience – She has been provided for by Jeevan Sahara.
Her vision is to then train girls, in the villages around Ramnagar, to learn the art and then fend for themselves in their own rural settings. She has been given further assistance with providing for her working capital needs to start freelance business to achieve these objectives.
Thomas Ghangya, a fisherman in
Pankaj Kumar of Allahabad district was assisted with finance to start a vegetable-selling business.
Education and Adult literacy:
One of our observations during our various visits in Uttar Pradesh highlighted the problem that children are not sent to school as they should.
Attempts made so far:
Pankaj Kumar of Allahabad district was assisted with finance to complete his final year BSC.
Yakub Masiha from Haldwani, Uttarakhand belongs to a family of illiterate
Ramesh Sagar a teacher by profession wanted to something to help the children in Azamgargh Purva which is in Baharaich District. His desire was to set up a school with quality education for children in the area. Jeevan Sahara has assisted him to achieve this dream and the first phase of this School has now been completed. There are at present 200+ children who have taken admission in the school for the academic year 2017-18.
Sarita Kumari from
Ranju from Varanasi has begun teaching little children to read & write.
Vision Training:
In order to get people from Uttar Pradesh actually involved in doing work to transform their local areas by playing a role (However small) we felt it would be helpful to conduct vision training programs for promising young people, we meet during our visits to Uttar Pradesh.
We have been conducting these programs in Mumbai for the past two years and many of the people mentioned above returned back to their villages envisioned and have begun to play their part in making their communities a better place.
These Training programs cover many topics such as:
1. Owning the communities in which we live.
2. Issues related to health and hygiene ( a model toilet was built in Baharaich as a result – Jeevan Sahara assisted in this project as one of its first and early ventures.) Topics such as water purification and Healthy- diet is also covered in this section.
3. The importance of education with emphasis on adult literacy and girl child education is also a crucial part of these vision training.
4. The value of work and having a healthy working ethic is yet another topic. It has been observed that many families have just one or two working members while the entire joint families (and sometimes even extended families) depend on the income from these working folk.
The need for
Leadership & Interpersonal skills.
The whole emphasis during these envisioning training