A few days back a 63-year-old lady patient of Karuna Project was brought to the clinic in an emergency. She had a fall and slit her head just above the left eyebrow. She had lost a lot of blood and was very weak.
The lady was taken into the ambulance which is designed as a mobile clinic and the team got into action with the doctor taking the lead. The wound was deep and required stitches. With a quick decision, all things required for stitching the wound were procured from a local medic.
Under local anaesthesia, the wound was cleaned, stitched and was neatly bandaged. With a TT injection and medicine in hand, the lady thanked everyone and left. This would have been a huge expense for this poor lady had it not been for the Karuna Project Mobile Clinic sensitive staff. Serving the neediest amidst the fear of Corona Virus.
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