Pragati Project Report for Jan to Mar 2023
The highlight of this quarter was the Republic Day celebrations.
The program began with a student reciting a speech on Republic day in English. The other students sang different songs in English with beautiful choreography. The students were given prizes and trophies for the sports activities held during this month.
We conducted a session on the topic, ‘ Good Touch and Bad Touch’
The children watched a video along with the teachers and we had a discussion and question-answer time at the end of it.
The principal said it was a very helpful program for the school.
This month the students of grades 1 & 2 have learnt to recognise and write the consonants M to Z and learned vocabulary for these letters.
They were able to recognise the beginning sound of any word beginning with the vowels and letters from M to Z and write it too.
Grades 3 & 4 have learnt to recognise and write 1 vowel words with short vowels A to U
Grades 5 reviewed all the 1 vowel words and could write them too.
Grades 6 & 7 have learned to read and write words with consonant blends from Word Bank 1 to 6
During this month they learnt more songs such as ‘ Clap your hands and ‘It’s a Beautiful day
It is good to see the gradual improvement in the handwriting of the children.
The students who could not recognise the sounds of letters have begun to write 1 vowel words and those with difficulties in writing are now writing better.
Children of each class were given rewards for having 100% attendance and now many are coming regularly to school.
The overall response of the students is very positive.
They wait eagerly for the Phonics classes and enjoy the singing, review games etc.
It was a time of great advancement.
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